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Trexler Library Student Assistants: Student Worker Contract

Student Worker Contract



I accept this job with the understanding that: 

I will comply with all safety procedures and guidelines relating to COVID-19 as determined by DeSales   University, the CDC and library staff while on duty.  


I have read and agree to the Position Responsibilities for Student Worker Library Assistants. 


I am aware of the time slots for which I am responsible. I will be punctual and sign in and out at the beginning and end of my shifts. Habitual lateness may result in my termination. I will not work more or less than my scheduled times unless approved by my supervisor. 

I must be regular in attendance and work a minimum of four hours per week including finals week. A schedule will be provided for me to sign up for hours during the semester and finals week. My schedule may be changed to meet the department’s needs and my needs. Failure to work during finals week will be reflected in my performance evaluation and will affect my future employment.  

I must find substitutes when I cannot meet my assigned hours. Students are granted three excused absences and two unexcused absences during the semester. Emergencies such as sickness, transportation problems, and family crisis will all be counted as excused absences. More than three excused absences during a semester will be reflected in my performance evaluation and may affect my future employment. Failure to post for a sub (preferably within 24 hours of my shift), or failure to inform my supervisor that I will not be working will be an unexcused absence.  More than two unexcused absences may result in a mid-semester job performance evaluation and may affect my future employment. 

Regarding dress and grooming: Casual attire is permitted, but if staff views my attire as inappropriate, they reserve the right to inform me. I will be mindful that when at work I will be near others and that I am a representative of Trexler Library.  

I understand that my job requires courteous and attentive behavior toward library patrons.  

Classwork and studying may be done during work hours but not until all assigned tasks are completed. Library staff may assign additional tasks to me any time during my shift. Classwork will not interfere with my ability to assist library patrons. 

Circulation stations may be used to check my student email, Brightspace, and to record my time in Jetpay, but should remain available for assisting patrons. I will bring my own laptop/device to perform classwork. 

I will not access my own library account or check out/check in my library materials. A staff member must check out/check in my library materials. 

Snacks and covered drinks are acceptable at the desk. 

If there is an emergency, I may use my cell phone or, with a supervisor’s permission, the phone at the student assistant's desk. I will not use my cell phone or the phone at the student assistant’s desk to make or receive personal calls while on duty. 

I will not carry on extended personal conversations with friends or co-workers while working at the desk.  Friends are not permitted to come to work with me while I am on duty in the library.  

If my performance is not meeting my supervisor’s expectations, they will inform me about their dissatisfaction and try to resolve the issue.  If there is no improvement my supervisor may dismiss me. Insubordination to my supervisor will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate dismissal.  

I am hired for one academic year at a time.  I understand that I am not automatically rehired for the next academic year.  I also understand that while employed at Trexler Library, it is the only work-study job I may have on campus.  

A performance appraisal will be done every semester and may be used to determine if I am hired for the following semester. 

_______________________________________                _______________________  

Signature                                                                                                               Date  

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