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Economics: APA Citation Style


This guide has been updated to reflect the 7th Edition of the APA Manual.
The 7th Edition was published in October 2019. A handout with the major changes in the new editions is linked below. At the bottom of this page is a section on the 6th Edition for those who have not transferred to the 7th.

APA is the style and citation guide for NursingPsychologyCriminal JusticeBusiness, Human Resources, Education and other social sciences. 

APA Online Help

The following links reflect information related to the 6th, (current) edition of the APA manual.

Here are a few things to look for:

1.  APA Style applies to both your in-text citations and reference list, AND ALSO your paper's formatting.

2.  If you are utilizing a source in your reference list there must be at least one in-text citation for that source.  Similarly, if you have a source as an in-text citation it must be listed in the reference page.

Zotero - Citation Tool

Zotero is  a free  Firefox addon that collects, manages, and cites research sources. It's easy to use, lives in your web browser where you do your work, and works with all style citations.  This citation tool also allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies.

It automatically updates itself periodically to work with new online sources and new bibliographic styles.

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