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Education: Finding Articles

This guide will introduce you to resources related to education, educators, and teaching.

Core Education Databases: Start Here

If you are looking for articles, start with these essential databases. These are high-quality, subscription-only databases provided by Trexler Library. If you are using them off-campus, you'll need to log in with your My DSU username and password.

Peer Reviewed Education Journals

You may be asked to find articles in peer-reviewed (or scholarly)  journals. You can search these titles individually, or you can look for articles in these journals when you're conducting searches in the research databases. Click on the articles tab to access the research databases.

Below is a sample list of our education journals 

Magazine & Trade Journals

While some of these publications are newsletters or magazines, other publications in this box are academic journals that have not undergone the peer review process. In general, these publications are aimed at practitioners and are not research oriented. If you are using them off-campus, you may need to authenticate with your email username and password

For links to additional journals available at Trexler, see Journal Title Search: Education 

Theses & Dissertations

  • Open Access These and Dissertations

    Find full-text theses and dissertations from around the world. Use the Advanced Search feature to search by subject and limit by language.

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