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Psychology: Psychological Research

This guide will introduce you to resources that will help you to conduct research on topics related to pyschology.

Research Strategy

Need help searching strategically for research assignments? Here's some tips:

  1. Consult background resources to choose, explore, and develop your topic.
  2. Formulate an arguable and concise research question based on your topic to answer through your research.
  3. Choose keywords from your research question and additional alternative keywords to use when searching databases.
  4. Remember to evaluate search results to see if the searches you're trying are effective.

Exploratory Research

Need topic ideas? 

  • Explore psychology news feeds for latest stories, research and trending topics. 
  • Association for Psychological Science research topics and latest news
  • Browse through your psychology textbooks or psychology encyclopedias for general subjects / topic areas

Exploratory Research 

Once you have an idea in mind, do some exploratory research on the subject to narrow down your topic into a more concise research question. 

Defining a Topic

Topic: sleep deprivation and cognitive ability 

Research QuestionWhat are the effects of sleep deprivation on college students' working memory, attention span, and problem-solving skills, and how can students improve their sleep habits to reduce these effects

Thesis StatementSleep deprivation harms college students by reducing their working memory, attention span, and problem-solving skills. To help students overcome these issues, schools should teach better sleep habits, adjust class schedules to allow for more sleep, and create programs that encourage healthy sleep practices

A research question should introduce a problem to solved

Thesis statement is a tentative answer to your research question. A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and how.

Psychology Reference Books

EBooks on Psychological Research

Handbook of Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology

Introducing Psychology Through Research

Advanced Research Methods in Psychology

Psychological Research: Innovative Methods and Strategies

Research Methods in Clinical Psychology

Translating Psychological Research into Practice

EBooks on Qualitative Research

Qualitative Psychology

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology

Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology

Qualitative Research Methods for Psychologists

Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods

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