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EL 550 Belgium/ Holland: Tutorials on databases

How to Search Databases

The best place to state database research is on our A-Z Databases page. It links to all 100 of our databases, many of which are specific to an academic field or content type. 

If you're doing introductory research, use one of our broader databases, like Academic Search Premier. If you're doing more advanced searching for in an academic subject, go to the All Subjects dropdown menu, and select the field you're researching. The best databases for that subject will appear.

Be on the look out for the red star next to databases.  They link out to short tutorials on how to search in those databases.

You can find tutorials for our broader databases below: Academic Search Premier, Google Scholar, JSTOR, Nexis Uni, and Issues and Controversies.

Using EBSCO Databases (Including ERIC, PsycINFO and Academic Search Premier )

Nexis Uni

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