Coronavirus racism is anti-Chinese and anti-Asian scapegoating and xenophobic reactions, including fear, exclusion, microaggressions, and other racist behaviors related to this public health epidemic. For example, national news outlets have been using images of Asians and Chinatowns in unrelated contexts for stories on the spread of coronovirus in America.
Coronavirus racism also includes inappropriate "jokes," innuendos, or suggestions that any/all Chinese and members of other Asian communities are responsible for or suspected of having this illness and should be avoided.
Whether "intended" to be hurtful or not, the impact of these sorts of these "jokes" is very harmful and helps spread misinformation.
Created by Iowa State University Library. Iowa State University continues to hold the copyright to all Library-created Guides, websites and materials​. Adapted from DEI Read & Learn, by Iowa State University Library. Available:
These are a few helpful resources focused on facts about coronavirus as well as recognizing and addressing racism and microagressions related to COVID-19.
Created by Iowa State University Library. Iowa State University continues to hold the copyright to all Library-created Guides, websites and materials​. Adapted from DEI Read & Learn, by Iowa State University Library. Available: